About The Lie Busters

Liar liar pants on fire! Aren’t we all familiar with the old children’s rhyme? Pants on fire? Whose pants? The liar’s? As everybody hates liars, don’t we all love to set the liar’s pants on fire? But we live in a civil society now. Flaming someone’s Le derrière for any reason whatsoever would be a crime indeed. As much as we hate liars, we wouldn’t want to end up behind bars for lighting up ol’ Bill’s buttock for denying having sexual relations with Miss Lewinsky, do we?

Anyway, as much as we hate lies, the WWW is full of it. Don’t believe us? Look up the word ‘free mp3 download’. Found one? Yeah right. Good luck finding one. All that you’ll actually find are websites peddling the words ‘free mp3 download’ and then it’ll redirect you to other pages selling everything under the sun. And if some folks have their way, even the sun would be on sale on eBay. Surprised? Don’t be. It is after all the World Wide Web. Where everything goes in here. For every fact, there’ll be a double dozen of junks, garbage and craps thrown in for good measure, distorting the facts and plunging it towards fiction faster that you can say ‘free mp3 download’.

Hence, why we set up liebusters.blogspot.com. We are just tired of the many lies being bandied about on the WWW. Instead of just talking about them during lunchtime at the old coffee shop where we frequent, we thought why not document them and set up a blog to highlight the many fallacies that are up in the internet. This way, not only us, but everyone can have a reference point on the actual fact about a lie that they stumbled upon on the internet. No only that, everyone too can contribute and point out the correct facts about a lie that they came across on the WWW. Eventually, we can have an archive of corrected lies in this blog. Wish to contribute? Don’t know how? Read on. You’ll see how this blog works. Can’t wait to participate? Then just contact us now. Point to us the lies, tell us the truths and we’ll share them with everyone on the WWW. We may not fire the pants of those liars but we can certainly put them on a hotseat and let the liars wriggle their bums off from the mess that they just made. Let’s fire up the stool, Folks!

© The Lie Busters
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